in development
The WonderGrove Story Maker® team has collaborated with students and teachers nationwide on the first animated feature length movie produced by students: "The WonderGrove Wizard of Oz".
Our Story Maker® twist on the Wizard of Oz plot is that Dorothy has anxiety about transitioning from elementary school to middle school. Her journey to Oz and her desire to get back home forces her to confront her anxieties and come to realize that with the support of her family and friends and by applying her brains, her heart and courage she will always flourish. The transition to Middle School is one rewarding steppingstone on her journey through life.
Check out this article describing the enthusiasm of 5th-graders from Baldwin-Whitehall Elementary about their WonderGrove Wizard of Oz project and this article about the hard work from students at Riverview Elementary!
The film will premiere in Los Angeles at the 2nd Annual Story Maker® Conference,
How schools will produce The Wizard of Oz
Jeff Dillon of Wilder, Idaho, explains how his school planned to contribute to the Wizard of Oz animated movie:
CBS This Morning reports