
in development

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation has partnered with Wonder Media to produce an animated series to educate and support children at risk

Beamer and His Friends Motivate Children to Be Safe

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation partnered with Wonder Media to produce a series of animated stories featuring a character named Beamer to educate and support children ages 7-12 to be healthy and safe when a family member is struggling with substance abuse.

Jerry Moe approached Terry Thoren, a leading expert on the shaping of children's minds through animation. Thoren concurs that the power of animated characters is unmatched. "There is so much research available that proves the effectiveness of using animation to make complicated ideas simple for children," Thoren says. "It's no wonder that the Betty Ford Center Children's Program succeeds using the Beamer character as a means of developing coping skills in children." Watch all episodes here.

Beamer - Episode 01

Beamer needs a permission slip signed by his parents. On his way home, addiction pays him a visit.

Beamer - Episode 02

Beamer’s parents never make it home to sign his permission slip, so he misses the school field trip.

Beamer - Episode 03

Beamer learns he is not alone. Other kids live in homes with addicted parents.

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We produce animated stories to make difficult subjects easy to discuss!